Melbourne Veterinary
About Us.
Dr Jessica Noto
BSci DVM CCRP MANZCVS (Canine sports med and rehab)
Dr Gretchen Szabat
BS BVSc MVS CCRP MANZCVS (Canine sports med and rehab)
Melbourne Veterinary Rehabilitation is a veterinary rehabilitation clinic that provides a comprehensive service in pain management and mobility in our loyal companions.
We believe in multi-modal pain relief and holistic treatment for lameness issues. This encompasses both traditional pharmaceutical pain medication as well as complimentary therapies including exercises prescription, manual therapies, environmental adjustment and use of supportive devices.
Providing our patients with freedom of movement, without pain, is a core tenet of our practice and sometimes this can only be achieved by looking a bit outside the box.
Dr Jessica and Dr Gretchen are both registered practicing veterinarians who chose to specialise further, and have gone through extensive training in canine musculoskeletal issues.
This includes becoming certified as a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioners (CCRP) by the University of Tennessee, as well achieving memberships qualification in Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation as part of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Specialists (ANZCVS).
Dr Jessica has completed a Bachelor of Science, then a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Melbourne in 2018.
Dr Gretchen has a Bachelor of Science, a BVSc from the University of Melbourne in 2002, a MVS from Murdoch University and a Certificate in Canine Hydrotherapy.
We hope to collaborate with owners and clinics to achieve the very best possible pain and mobility management outcomes for our patients.
Our Services.
Click on a service to learn more about each service.
Lameness examination
Preventative exercise programs
Multimodal pain management
Longer-acting pain relief
CBD Prescription
Joint injections
Palliative care
Sports and service dogs
Custom bracing
Weight loss guidance
Laser therapy
The cost incurred at the end of a consult will vary depending on what was discussed in terms of what is needed and what medications/treatment time was administered.
Initial consultation (new patients)
Approximately 1-1.5hrs
History review
Medication review
Physical and functional assessment
Exercise prescription and recommendations
Costs $300
Follow-up consultation
Approximately 30-45minutes
Review progress
Physical and functional assessment
Costs between $180-200
Telehealth review
If a physical review is not required
Costs $150

Recommended products.
Toe grips
Toe grips are like rubber rings that attach to your pets nails to stop slipping and sliding especially indoors.
Some conditions that benefit from this include:
Spinal/neurological disorders
Hind end weakness
Rotational limb defects
They are worn full time and last for about 1-3 months and can be easily replaced when worn out.
Toe grips are made in the US however we do keep this product in stock so we will be able to provide this product for you without having to wait for shipping.
Commercial braces
Walkin’ Pets also make supportive devices for a range of other conditions, not just wheelchairs, including: halo’s for blind dogs
hip compression devices for subluxation
rigid devices to prevent excessive movement of the spine
harnesses to aid lifting
and many more
Talk to us today to discuss if a supportive device will be beneficial for your pet.
Alpha mobility stock the Australian supply of italian made Balto braces.
These braces range from soft braces with removable splints to rigid supportive braces for support either as a post operative immobilisation aid or to provide some extra stability to a weakened joint or ligament.
Discuss with us today if your pet may benefit from using a commercial brace
Kruuse makes pet specific neoprene soft supportive braces.
They are sourced directly from our veterinary supplier and details in regards to the braces can be found here.
We can request these braces to be delivered by special order.
Supportive devices
Walkin’ Pets also make supportive devices for a range of other conditions including:
Halo’s for blind dogs
Hip compression devices for subluxation
Rigid devices to prevent excessive movement of the spine
Harnesses to aid lifting
Neoprene support braces
External Splints (as an alternative to internal splinting and heavy bandaging)
and many more
Talk to us today to discuss if a supportive device will be beneficial for your pet.
Help Em’ Up Harness make a range of harness sizes to allow for owners to easily assist their dogs from the front and back.
This is especially ideal for:
Elderly dogs
Dogs recovering from weakness/paralysis
Dog with degenerative weakening conditions
Find out more at the link below
Rehabilitation Equipment.
This is for those clients I have recommended exercises to that might benefit from purchasing some equipment to help them on their journey.
Most of the items I carry come from Kmart including therabands, bosu balls, wheat bags, steps, etc. These are both relatively cheap and accessible for everyone.
Many human home gym products can also be repurposed for use by our pets.
Some more specific products can be found using the links below:
Contact us.
81A Hudsons Road, Spotswood, VIC 3015
Get in touch: