Prevention is Better then Cure.

For those who prefer to be proactive rather than reactive in regards to musculoskeletal conditions, preventative strengthening programs can be ideal.

Some breeds are genetically predisposed to certain conditions eg. Daschunds and back issues, German Shepherds and lower back issues, Golden/Labs and hip issues etc.

Awareness of this potential and early rehabilitation and strengthening to reduce the risk or lessen the severity of the condition is highly recommended.

What Conditions Can be Prevented?

No condition can be guaranteed to be eliminated completely however a strengthening program can reduce the risk, severity or recurrence of a condition.

Some conditions that may benefit from a strengthening and conditioning program include:

  • Hip dislocation/luxation

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Intervertebral disk disease

  • Generalised muscle weakening secondary to steroid treatment/aging/metabolic conditions e.g Cushings

  • Reducing the risk of rupture of the remaining stifle after cruciate injury in the other