
Cats are even more important to have their pain levels assessed because naturally, cats are very good at hiding their pain.

Older cats may show subtle symptoms of back pain or arthritis such as:

  • Not jumping up on furniture

  • Moving up and down stairs sideways

  • Sleeping more

  • Change in willingness to play

  • Change in behaviour (sometimes aggression!)

Follow this link below to find out if your cat could be in pain!

Pain Relief

We can help cats in pain by first identifying what area is sore and what kind of treatment the cat may tolerate including:

  • Manual therapies (massage, stretching)

  • Exercises

  • Pain relief (oral forms or injection forms)

Book in a discussion today to see what options would suit you and your cat.


Cats can be rehabilitated to get them back to full mobility after something like an orthopaedic surgery for example.

Though not the same as dogs, cats can be encouraged to do exercises by using play, treats, lasers etc.

It really depends on the cat in regards to how receptive they may be to therapy.