• Mobile appointments are still available, but in a limited capacity. The coverage area is still within a 25km radius which covers most of metropolitan Melbourne. Locations outside of this may be considered by request. Let us know where you are located upon booking the appointment and we’ll let you know what we can do.

  • Most veterinary treatments provided should be covered by pet insurance. However, what is covered and what is not may vary from provider to provider. We can provide statements to insurance companies to explain the treatments provided if further information is required.

  • Yes absolutely. The major variable would be how receptive the cat would be to rehabilitation exercises and manual therapies. In any case, pain medication can be administered in the same way it can be given to dogs. In fact, the month-long-acting injectable pain relief medication (solensia) is made specifically for cats.

  • Most pets tend to be more comfortable in rehab appointments than at their regular vet visits.

    For those that may be particularly anxious, we can provide complimentary calming medications that can be given 2hrs before the appointment time. Please get in touch with us about this to discuss.

  • “Physiotherapy” and “Physiotherapist” are protected terms and can only be used by human physiotherapists. Therefore this practice in animals is termed rehabilitation. When seeking out a rehabilitation provider for your pet, it is best to look for people who have qualifications such as CCRP or CCRT, or members of ACRA (the Australian Canine Rehabilitation Association).

    Rehabilitation can involve home exercises, treatments such as massage therapy, TENs, or neuromuscular stimulation, hydrotherapy and laser treatment.

  • The underwater treadmill and swimming are two different modes of hydrotherapy. By using the functions of a treadmill but adding the beneficial properties of water, animals can walk (instead of swim) in the water in a controlled environment on an underwater treadmill. This is excellent for animals who are post-operative or weak, and the walking movements are better for increasing extension of the limbs. Swimming provides full buoyancy if needed, but more strength and coordination is required in the limbs before swimming independently.

  • Our Aquatread underwater treadmill has a comprehensive water management system consisting of a salt chlorinator, hair trap, filter pump, sand filter, and UV filter. Water testing is conducted daily and periodic testing is run at the lab to check for bacteria. This is much like the standards that human swimming pools must adhere to.

  • No thank you!

    Dogs who are unwell or who have skin wounds should not attend hydrotherapy. This includes skin infections, open wounds, vomiting, diarrhoea, kennel cough and other contagious diseases, and females in season.

    If your dog has an ongoing seizure disorder or cardiovascular and/or respiratory condition, it is possible to attend hydrotherapy after a discussion with your hydrotherapist to ensure care is taken during the sessions.

  • You’ll find parking information here