Because Sports and Service Dogs are Different.

A dog that is utilising its musculoskeletal system every day, especially at an elite level will have different injuries or predispositions to injury than pet dogs.

Having a slightly sore shoulder for example may not mean much to a pet dog, but to a sporting dog, we understand that it could mean the difference between a clean run and a tragic injury.

Diet and supplement assessment, musculoskeletal conditioning, and soundness examination pre-performance are essential for optimum performance.

Early Lameness Detection

Being at optimum condition, especially in regards to mobility, is essential for service dogs to provide an important function in society.

A major injury could be incredibly detrimental to an owner/handler that relies on their canine being at peak performance at any time.

In addition, high drive dogs are also more likely to push through minor pain until it becomes a detrimental injury.

Detecting and treating minor musculoskeletal issues before they turn into major issues can be extremely important to avoid reductions in performance and to ensure freedom from pain at work.