Dogs on Wheels

A good quality of life does not have to end if it is just more difficult to get around.

Wheelchairs can be a good option for many dogs including:

  • dogs with weakness in the hind end

  • dogs paralysed in the hind end

  • dogs with limited movement in limbs (e.g quadriplegics with some voluntary limb movement)

  • dogs recovering from paralysis

A wheelchair rental program is in the process of being created.

The Process.

The process first involves an assessment in regards to if a wheelchair may be suitable for your pet and if there is any potential undiagnosed medical conditions that need to investigated first.

After taking measurements, the wheelchair is ordered and shipped from the US.

One the item has arrived, a fitting appointment is required to ensure there are no issues.

A review appointment is then recommended after some use to ensure no secondary or compensatory issues are developing and to reassess pain levels.

Please refer to the manufacturer website for further information