Our story.

Melbourne Veterinary Rehabilitation is a mobile veterinary rehabilitation clinic that provides a comprehensive service in pain management and mobility in our loyal companions.

We believe in multi-modal pain relief and holistic treatment for lameness issues. This encompasses both traditional pharmaceutical pain medication as well as complimentary therapies including exercises prescription, manual therapies, environmental adjustment and use of supportive devices.

Providing our patients with freedom of movement, without pain, is a core tenet of our practice and sometimes this can only be achieved by looking a bit outside the box.

As a registered practicing veterinarian, Dr Jessica has completed a Bachelor of Science, then a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Melbourne in 2018.

To specialise further, she has gone through extensive training in canine musculoskeletal issues.

This includes becoming certified as a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP) by the University of Tennessee, as well achieving memberships qualification in Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation as part of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Specialists (ANZCVS).

Jessica hopes to collaborate with owners and clinics to achieve the very best possible pain and mobility management outcomes for her patients.